How to Save Energy and Money
Using energy wisely and taking the time to just check little things can make a big difference in how much natural gas you use and how much you spend on your energy bill. Download a free copy of Natural Living Magazine and learn how to improve your home’s efficiency.
Here are a few tips to help families conserve energy and save money:

Keep the Cold Out
Reducing air leaks could cut as much as 10 percent from an average household’s energy bill. Start by sealing leaks around doors, windows and other openings with caulk or weather-stripping.
The most common places where air escapes in homes are (a) floors, walls, ceilings (b) ducts (c) fireplaces (d) plumbing, penetrations (e) doors (f) windows (g) fans and vents and (h) electric outlets.
Use Energy Wisely
- Set thermostats between 65 and 70 degrees during the winter, and between 77 and 75 degrees during summer. While sleeping, add an extra blanket for warmth.
- Install an automatic setback or programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature automatically without sacrificing comfort. Cut annual heating bills by as much as 10 percent per year by turning your thermostat back 10-15 percent for eight hours per day.
- Check your HVAC filter once a month and clean if necessary. Replace the filter every three months. (Hint: on the filter, write the date it was installed.)
- Warm air rises, so use registers to direct warm airflow across the floor.
- Set water heater temperatures at 120 degrees. This helps save money since water heating is a typical family’s third-largest energy expense, accounting for about 14 percent of utility bills.
- Install water-flow restrictors in showerheads and faucets.
- Run washing machines and clothes dryers with a full load.
- On sunny days, open draperies and blinds to let the sun’s warmth in. Close them at night to insulate against cold air outside.
Long-term Improvements
- Check to see if attic and basement have the recommended levels of insulation.
- Check the heating system and replace old, outdated appliances with high-efficiency natural gas models.
- Install storm or thermal windows and doors or double-plated glass. A less expensive alternative is plastic sheeting, which can be temporarily fastened over doors and windows to prevent drafts and retain heat.
Making your home more energy efficient could save a lot on your heating bills.
- The Alliance to Save Energy has posted some tips on its website to help consumers avoid “$ticker $hock” this winter.
- The American Gas Association web site is a valuable resource for understanding the benefits and availability of clean, safe, reliable natural gas.
- The Environmental Protection Agency offers clean power profiler.
- The Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse lists energy consultants, conservation tips, and other information on DOE programs to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- If you are considering upgrading appliances to improve the energy efficiency of your home, then the ENERGY STAR website is a terrific resource! ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.
- Florida Natural Gas Association offers consumers, businesses and industry-specific natural gas information.
- GetGasFL.com offers Florida residents information on the economical and environmental benefits of using natural gas.