

Property-Assessed Clean Energy Programs

Property-Assessed Clean Energy Programs (PACE)

The City of Pensacola is a proud supporter of Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), a program that offers financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy and other improvements for both commercial and residential owners. The amount borrowed is typically repaid over a period of years, typically 10 to 20 years through property assessments, which are secured by the property itself and paid as an addition to the owners’ property tax bills. Florida statutes authorize municipalities and counties to establish dependent special districts with the authority to collect revenue via a special assessment. The City of Pensacola, Florida offers a consumer choice of PACE providers.


Florida PACE Funding Agency


Website: www.AllianceNRG.com
Telephone: 855-509-9922
Email (Property Owner): Information@AllianceNRG.com


Website: www.CounterpointeSRE.com
Telephone: 855-431-4400
Email (Property Owner): Inquiry@CounterpointeSRE.com


Green Corridor Property Assessment Clean Energy (PACE) District
Website: YGreneWorks.com
Telephone: 866-634-1358
Email (Property Owner): info@ygreneworks.com


Florida Green Finance Authority
Website: RenewFinancial.com
Telephone: 844-589-7953
Email (Property Owner): Info@renewfinancial.com


Florida Resiliency and Energy District (FRED)
Website: www.RenovateAmerica.com
Telephone: 877-747-4889
Email (Property Owner): info@renovateamerica.com